Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Walking Worthy, Dents and All

This blog post originally ran on September 14, 2011.  As I re-read it, it was a good reminder to me that marriage is a calling...

My day started off in a grand way [NOT]. I was backing out of the garage to take my son to school and I hear a S-C-R-A-P-Eing noise.

"Oh no, had I just done what I thought I had just done?"

Yes, I had. I backed my car into the side of my husband's truck that was sitting in the driveway. I tried blaming it on him in my mind, "he pulled the car into the garage too close to the truck last night," but I knew that was just an excuse. I did it, not him. I went forward, adjusted, backed out again and down the road my son and I went. It was quiet at first, then the morning routine of spelling words and memory verse review. Then it came:

"Mommy, Daddy is going to be so mad at you!"

Ugh, I had that dreaded feeling knowing I was going to have to call my husband and tell him what had happened.

Later on that morning I was having my quiet time and came across these verses:

...walk worthy of the calling you have received, with all humility and
gentleness, with patience, accepting one anoth
er in love, diligently keeping
the unity of the Spirit with the peace that binds.

Ephesians 4:1-3

It hit me, isn't my marriage a high calling from God? So many times I think of my "calling" as what God has placed on my heart as far as ministry is concerned, but isn't our marriage, our motherhood, our friendships, all callings as well?

Day in and day out I needed to walk worthy of that high calling of marriage. Paul says later in that same book of Ephesians that our marriage is a picture of Christ and His church. My marriage is a big deal. It is a high calling that needs attention. I need to walk in humility and gentleness; I need to be patient and accepting of him in love, not impatient and critical; I need to keep unity with him and live in peace. If I did these things, wouldn't we be bound together as one as God designed from the beginning? Wouldn't we look more like the picture Paul describes?

Living out this high calling is not easy. I had to make that phone call and humble myself and say I was sorry and tell him what I had done to his truck and my car. He extended grace, he was patient and I am so thankful.

He has dents...

I have scratches...

We both need humility, gentleness, patience and acceptance. When we realize this we will walk in unity, we will walk in peace and those dents we see really are not that noticeable because they are seen through the eyes of love, through the eyes of Christ.

Living Free,

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