Monday, August 19, 2013

A New Day is Dawning

All this will flow from the kind and
compassionate mercy of our God.  
A new day is dawning:
the Sunrise from the heavens will break through in our darkness.  
Luke 1:78, The Voice

John, the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth, had just been born.  His father didn't believe what the angel Gabriel said to him about becoming a father, so he had been without the ability to speak up until this day when the baby was named and Zacharias, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, sang a prophetic blessing (Luke 1:18-20,60,67).

John was to the be the one to "prepare the way for the Lord" (Luke 1:76):  A day when people would find freedom, forgiveness of their sins, and will be able to rise and walk in light and peace (1:77,79).  This was a new day.  It was a new day brought about by the kind and compassionate mercy of God (1:78).

Just as John prepared the way for Jesus to enter the world and people's lives, we also can be preparers.  We can pave the way for others to see Jesus, to find forgiveness of their sins and freedom.  Paul tells us that we are ministers of a new covenant (2 Corinthians 3:6).  When Jesus steps on the scene, light will replace darkness (Luke 2:9), He was the Sunrise the blessing described.  After His birth shepherds saw Him and could not help but tell others and "spread the story of what they had experienced" (Luke 2:17).  Just as John, let us prepare the way for the Lord and just like the shepherds, let us not keep quiet about what we have experienced.  God in His kind and compassionate mercy has brought forth a new day.  Today I claim a new day dawning where  darkness will be replaced by His light!

Lord, use me and use others to prepare the way for You.  Send down Your kind and compassionate mercy so that people can find forgiveness of their sins and knowledge of their freedom.  Lord, I claim this and I claim that a new day is dawning!  You Jesus are the Sunrise from the heavens that can break through any darkness!  Those that sit in the shadows of death will be able to rise and walk in light, down a path of peace.  Amen.  (From Luke 1:77-79, The Voice).  

Living Free,

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